WUMC Vacation Bible School 2025

Monday, June 9, 2025 to Friday, June 13, 2025
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
600 High Street, Worthington, OH, USA

WUMC Vacation Bible School 2025

We Are Built To Love!

VBS is available for children ages 3 (must be potty-trained) through incoming 3rd grade. We have developed our own curriculum based off of the movie The Wild Robot along with a Scripture theme, and we will be watching scenes from it each night to kick off our learning. As we dive deep into the theme of being "Built to love!", we will use Bible stories, crafts, games, music and science lessons each day to learn and have fun! 

For the majority of our evening, we break up into small groups based on age and experience different stations each night to help us fully discover more about God, ourselves, and each other.

We will start with dinner for your whole family at 5:30p, and then begin programming at 6:00pm, starting together in our Sanctuary. After a movie clip and opening assembly, we will then split up into our small groups and visit each station. We will end back in our Sanctuary for a closing (and music rehearsal as a group). Pick-up will be back in our Sanctuary at 8:00pm. This will be our schedule for Monday-Thursday.  Friday night will look a little different, as we will finish our lessons on Thursday.  Friday evening we will celebrate the week and end with a celebratory dinner on our front lawn and a chance for families to hear the music we have learned from the week.

Cost is $40 per child.  You can pay ahead now by visiting Worthington UMC's payment site and selecting Vacation Bible School. You can also drop off payment by cash or check into our church office in an envelope marked VBS and the name of your child.

We ask you to please complete registration and payment by Monday, May 26th. This helps gaurantee a t-shirt for your child, and ensure we have an accurate headcount for dinners and supplies. Registration after May 26th will be only be approved if space is available. 

*We need many hands to make VBS happen! Please consider how you may give support. Could you help with set-up or take down? Or pick a night to help with dinner clean-up? If so, you can sign up for that on this site as well or simply e-mail Ashley Gerard.

If you have any further questions, please contact Ashley Gerard, the director of children and youth programming at WUMC: ashley@worthingtonumc.com

Is your child older than our VBS age? Check out our Explorations program for 4th-6th graders July 28th through July 31st!


CVLI License No. 504347473

Event Location

600 High Street, Worthington, OH, USA

Event Contact Information

Ashley Gerard
Childrens Ministry Director

VBS with Purpose

At Concordia Publishing House (CPH), we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people.

Contact CPH

The Concordia Publishing House VBS Team is here to help Monday through Friday.



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