Explorations 2025

Monday, July 28, 2025 to Thursday, July 31, 2025
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
600 High Street, Worthington, OH, USA

Explorations 2025

"Serve one another in love" Galations 5:13

Come join us for a day camp focused on serving our local community! Any incoming 4th grader through incoming 7th grader is invited to attend Explorations, July 28th through July 31st.  We will meet at the church each morning Monday through Thursday at 10a and finish our day back at the church for pick-up at 2pm.  Each of these days will be mission and outreach focused.  Serving others is a foundational aspect of our faith development! We will grow as a group in fellowship through giving back in various ways.

The goal of the week will be to give experiences that will allow us to learn about needs in our local community and how it takes all of us to support one another! We will be serving places like local resource pantries, where we get to learn from each host site on what they do in their area to support others.  We may be sorting donations, or prepping items to be ready to give. Each of these organizations we have partnered with for many years through this camp, and each of them offer unique experiences that allow each day to be different.

 Daily Location Schedule:

Monday, July 28th - Seminary Hill Farm (https://www.seminaryhillfarm.org/) Learning about their organic farm and ways that they support the community with fresh food. Harvesting produce will be one of our tasks.

Tuesday, July 29th - Sunrise Sanctuary (http://www.sunrisesanctuary.org/) We will be working on shoveling pasture areas, stalls, and grooming animals. These animals are all extremely "people-friendly" and love to have us as visitors!

Wednesday, July 30th - Worthington UMC. We will be working on ministry projects that are active in our own church. One of our projects will be working with The Riverside Sewing Guild. They will teach us how to make stuffed animals for children who are at Riverside Hospital. We will also be contributing to our Mat Ministry, where we learn how to turn plastic grocery bags into waterproof mats and other household items for those in our community who are unhoused 

Thursday, July 31st - WARM (Westerville Area Resource Ministries). We will be sorting food donations and prepping take-home snack kits for children in the nearby area.

Cost will be $30 per child.  We will be making a packed lunch each morning to bring with us – so please let me know about any food allergies or accommodations we will need to make. You may pay ahead online by visiting Worthington UMC's payment site and selecting "Explorations".

We ask you to please complete registration and payment by Friday, July 18th. This helps us make sure we have enough transportation covered for our daily trips!

If you are interested in being an adult chaperone for a day or more, we would love to have you! We will need a few volunteers to help make the week happen. 

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Ashley Gerard at ashley@worthingtonumc.com

Event Location

600 High Street, Worthington, OH, USA

Event Contact Information

Ashley Gerard
Childrens Ministry Director

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