Become a Volunteer

We will need grade leaders, Junior leaders, and leaders for the stations: Crafts, Snacks, Games, Music, and Storytelling. 

Just by signing up does not guarantee you will get your preferred spot, but Katrina Johns will do her best to honor your choice. 

VBS Volunteers should plan to arrive at St. John at 8:30 AM and plan to leave around 12:00 PM every day. 

T-Shirts: Every year, a blue VBS Staff Shirt is provided to each staff member. You are encouraged to wear this t-shirt throughout the week. 

You are important because you help to shepherd, watch, set an example and share the Christian faith with the youngest in our midst. VBS Staff members may be students who have completed 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade, current high school students, college students and adults. 

Friday, June 13th we will have a celebration of our own at Ford Pond. We will cook hotdogs and smores over a campfire, swim, and play games. 

For more information, contact the Church Office (920-893-3071) or Katrina Johns ( or 920-892-0090).


**Please note: VBS Phone policy: Phones will not be allowed for volunteers under the age of 21. If you do bring your phone, it will need to be placed in the caddy which will be kept in Katrina Johns' office. They may be picked up after 11:30am each day. The biggest reason for doing this is that phones have become a distraction in the past and interrupt the main goal of VBS - connecting with the children who attend.


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VBS with Purpose

At Concordia Publishing House (CPH), we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people.

Contact CPH

The Concordia Publishing House VBS Team is here to help Monday through Friday.


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