You are Registered for STELLAR Space Camp and we are SO EXCITED!
We can't wait to see you on Monday July 31, 2023 at 9:15am when we will get you checked in for fun at our front desk, give you your name tag and assign you to a group so you will know who your Youth Leaders are. They will show you where to go to have the most fun!
You should wear running shoes or secure sandals, so you will be ready for Sports outside. Putting on a bit of sunscreen before you come is a good idea and you can bring a water bottle if you like. Cloths that can get a little messy might be a good idea too and on Friday its WATER wear stuff that can get WET and bring a change of clothes and a towel!
On Sunday July 6, 2023, you and your parents are invited to come at 10am and we hope you will all come together to show them some of the great stuff you learned at STELLAR and stay for a BBQ lunch afterward!
This is going to be a great week! Can't wait to see you there!
Camp Director Christy
PS...if you have any questions, please give me a call at 519-278-8601