Register Your Child

We are so happy that you are registering for our Lego and Let God VBS this year! Our VBS is for children in Kindergarten-5th grade. Monday, July 15-Wednesday, July 17 you can drop off your children for 3 nights filled with worship, games, crafts, learning about God's love, and FUN!   The night of Thursday, July 18 will be a Family Fun Fair in the parking lot. There will be NO CHILD DROP-OFF that night, as families are invited to attend the Fun Fair together to enjoy a variety of games, activities, and food!  There is no cost to attend our VBS but space is limited.

We can't wait to see you at VBS!

This event is not currently accepting registrations.

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VBS with Purpose

At Concordia Publishing House (CPH), we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people.

Contact CPH

The Concordia Publishing House VBS Team is here to help Monday through Friday.


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