Trinity Lutheran Church VBS 2024

Monday, July 29, 2024 to Thursday, August 1, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
801 West Lincoln Way, Jefferson, IA, USA
Sign up today for VBS! Throughout this program, we will emphasize the Living Water, Jesus, through exciting games, lively music, impressive science experiments, and more! Let's celebrate that we're covered in Jesus' grace!

Trinity Lutheran Church VBS 2024

Join us for VBS at Trinity Lutheran Church as we go on a SCUBA adventure and dive into a friendship wth God!  We will have 4 evenings full of fun and activities for ages 4-11!  A light supper will be included.  

Our mission this year is to help children and familes in Tanzania by raising money so they can drill new wells for fresh water.  They often use water now that is contaminated with mud, bacteria, and parasites that cause severe illness and even death.  Each day that you come to VBS, you can donate to our bucket and help raise the money we can send to help drill the new wells.

We look forward to seeing each and every one of you this year at VBS!  Remember you can bring friends also! 

Event Location

801 West Lincoln Way, Jefferson, IA, USA

Event Contact Information

Nina McDonald
VBS Director

VBS with Purpose

At Concordia Publishing House (CPH), we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people.

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