Celebrate the Savior: Jesus Gives Us Joy Vacation Bible School

Monday, July 8, 2024 to Friday, July 12, 2024
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
616 South 4th Street, Harrison, MI, USA
Sign up today for VBS! Throughout this program, we will emphasize how Jesus gives us joy through exciting games, lively music, and more! Let's Celebrate the Savior!

Celebrate the Savior: Jesus Gives Us Joy Vacation Bible School

St. Luke Lutheran Church welcomes you to our 2024 Vacation Bible School CELEBRATE THE SAVIOR: JESUS GIVES US JOY!

Our Vacation Bible School begins each evening at 5:30 pm with a kid-pleasing dinner. After dinner, we go to our Opening for prayers,songs with Song-Action videos, our Bible Verse and a preview of our Bible Story.

After our Opening, the children will follow their group leaders to our activity sites: Storytelling, Crafts, Bible Exploration, and Games! We also have a photo booth where each child can have their picture taken. They can decorate their picture frames and their pictures will be ready to go home with them the next day.

Once everyone has visited each activity site, we return to the sanctuary for our Closing where we sing songs, review our Bible Verse, and review our Bible Story. We are finished at 8:30 p.m.

Parents will need to sign their child(ren) out with the Group Leader. If parents need to have someone else pick up their child(ren), they will need to specify the name of the person when they register their child(ren) on the first evening.    

Event Location

616 South 4th Street, Harrison, MI, USA

Event Contact Information

Ann Thayer
VBS Director

VBS with Purpose

At Concordia Publishing House (CPH), we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people.

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