Celebrate the Savior - Vaction Bible School

Monday, July 22, 2024 to Friday, July 26, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
3222 South Genesee Road, Burton, MI, USA
Sign up today for VBS! Throughout this program, we will emphasize how Jesus gives us joy through exciting games, lively music, and more! Let's Celebrate the Savior!

Celebrate the Savior - Vaction Bible School

At Celebrate the Savior VBS, children look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and discover that Jesus gives us the joy of eternal life with Him! Our loving God has given us so much to celebrate—family, friends, food, and especially forgiveness through faith in Jesus, our Savior. We’ll dive into four Bible stories, meet new friends, do cool experiments, sing songs, make crafts, play games, eat snacks, and more! It’s going to be fun, but it will be more fun with you there.

Event Location

3222 South Genesee Road, Burton, MI, USA

Event Contact Information

Christine Milner
VBS Director

VBS with Purpose

At Concordia Publishing House (CPH), we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people.

Contact CPH

The Concordia Publishing House VBS Team is here to help Monday through Friday.



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