God's Living Water Vacation Bible School

Monday, June 12, 2023 to Friday, June 16, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1815 East 9800 South, Sandy, UT, 84092
Sign up today for VBS! Throughout this program, we will emphasize the Living Water, Jesus, through exciting games, lively music, impressive science experiments, and more! Let's celebrate that we're covered in Jesus' grace!

God's Living Water Vacation Bible School

Online registration is now closed! We look forward to seeing you all at VBS!

Welcome to VBS 2023 at Grace Lutheran Church! We look forward to seeing you for a very special week of fun and learning as we explore our God's Living Water VBS theme - Covered in Jesus' Grace!

Keep Jesus and His Gospel at the center of your children’s VBS experience with God's Living Water. Through five themed lessons, children will learn how we are Covered in Jesus' Grace while singing, playing games, doing Bible challenges, making arts and crafts, and making new friends!


Day 1: Water From the Rock, Exodus 17:1-7

Day 2: Naaman is Healed, 2 Kings 5:1-19

Day 3: Jesus at the Well, John 4:1-30

Day 4: Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet, John 13:1-20

Day 5: Thousands Believe in Jesus, Acts 2:1-41

When:  June 12-16, 2023 - 9 a.m. to 12. p.m.

Location:  Grace Lutheran Church - 1815 E 9800 S, Sandy, UT 84092

Who: Preschool (ages 3-5) through 6th grade (ages 6-12)
** Preschoolers must register in-person with Cheryl Masinelli and be completely potty trained


Where to sign up: https://vbsmate.com/GraceLutheranSandyUtah

Cost:  $30.00 per child. A snack and water will be provided each day. 

Payment: After signing up, please pay by cash or personal check at the church office care of Administrative Assistant, Liz Hamilton.  

Interested in Volunteering? We need volunteers (7th grade and up) to serve in the following areas: Adult and/or junior guides, registration, storytelling, crafts, snacks, games, bible challenge, photography, decorations, and set up/take down. Even if you can only make it for one day or just a couple of hours, we can use your help! Sign up at: https://vbsmate.com/GraceLutheranSandyUtah or contact the VBS director.

Interested in Donating? There will also be an opportunity to donate snack items for the children at a future date.

Questions: Contact VBS Director, Casey Haas, at (707) 386-5981, cmhaas00@aol.com.

** In signing your child up for VBS at Grace Lutheran Church, you are agreeing to the picture/photograph policy used by Grace Lutheran Church and School. For information on the details of this policy, please contact  Administrative Assistant Liz Hamilton.



Event Location

1815 East 9800 South, Sandy, UT, 84092

Event Contact Information

Casey Haas
VBS Director

VBS with Purpose

At Concordia Publishing House (CPH), we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people.

Contact CPH

The Concordia Publishing House VBS Team is here to help Monday through Friday.



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