VBS 2017 is a victory celebration! In Mighty Fortress VBS, your children learn that in Jesus, the victory is won! They’ll look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and explore five Bible accounts about God, our Mighty Fortress, and the victory Jesus has won for us.
Registration is open for ages 3 - 17 who will attend VBS from 06/22/2017 to 06/24/2017. VBS will start on the 22nd at 5:00 PM and 9.00 AM on the 23rd and the 24th. Come along with us as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, and more. Plus, you’ll learn in Jesus, the victory is won! Can’t wait to see you there! To register, register online at, give the form in the bulletin to an usher, call 510.371.6771, or e-mail Registration fee is $20 per child or $30 per family.