Proclamation Safari VBS

Monday, July 31, 2023 to Friday, August 4, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 901 E Drilling St Morrilton, AR

Proclamation Safari VBS


  1. Proclamation Safari Park VBs Theme Logo Banner
 Journey with us to Proclamation Safari Park where we will discover that Jesus is our rescuer. While learning about the safari park animals, studdents will learn about Jesus and their need for Him to rescue them. The adventure awaits!

Event Location

Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 901 E Drilling St Morrilton, AR

Event Contact Information

Kylie Havner
VBS Director

VBS with Purpose

At Concordia Publishing House (CPH), we don’t need fairy tales to make VBS fun. God’s Word stands alone with real stories about real people.

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